Monday, March 30, 2009

Peace like a river

I was just thinking about that song "when peace like a river". The more I got to thinking the more and more clear it came to me that peace is like a river; its like the water. Life is like the flow of the river but it is not the river itself sometimes the flow is so fast it feels like your in the mist of a rapid other times its so slow you might even see some algae growing around its banks. The key is that it is constantly heading toward its source. Even when it seems like its not moving at all it is getting to where its supposed to be. I feel like that right now, going so slow, like i'm running through jello. I want to be out there doing things changing the world seeing God move! Instead He has me here being silent and learning how to listen for His voice against my rushing feet. I wish my heart would rush to be still at His feet instead of constantly to the excitement of adventure. I thrive on moving and going and learning but i have been learning the value of staying put. Its hard but not as hard as going against God.