Tuesday, February 17, 2009


My college has lockers that line the bottom floor of most of the buildings on campus. They are a faded vintage orange giving the buildings a 1960s school feel. A lot of things are older in the college but these scream prehistoric. My bag weighs at least 30 pounds no joke there. Most days I wish the bottom of my bath tub wasn't so scary i'd soak my aching shoulders and neck. I thought that i would just have to get a post school message at the end of every semester or at least till i find some wheels where i can store my brick books when i didn't need them. Until one fateful day a couple of weeks ago my friend at church was telling me that i could get a locker. I was nervous. I had never worked with the elderly but i encouraged my self with my first car that was as old as i am that i drove. I went to the first locker no go I went through two lockers and numerous combinations until today. As always at the end of another failed try it had been my tradition(yes tradition because this was a tri-weekly occurrence) to bang something on the locker either a fist or foot even sometimes the head out of desperation. Then my locker savior happened to be walking by at that very moment. I gave him a skeptical agreement to let him have his hand at it even though i had witnessed this numerous times before. He patiently turned the dark dial and got into the locker first try. I was dumb founded I seriously thought that he used magic until I made him stay so he could watch me open it; My second time trying it that is.The moral of the story is when you meet with a brick wall its ok to bang your head on it eventually the right person will come along and show you the door you keep missing.

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