Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 5

Day four ended with going to a burrito place and then going back to Jeremiah's apartment to play go fish with Jeremiah's married friends Daniel and Tess. Jeremiah and I rode his scooter to and fro the burrito place which was quite impressive considering we were still traveling at the rate that it would have gone if it were solely Jer riding. He seemed quite pleasantly surprised at this fact and mentioned it a number of times that night.

Today on Day 5 Jeremiah got up very very early to go to work. Today was a some what epiphany type day for Jeremiah. It was the day that some us have to all go through at some point. The day when you discover You are Weird. It was somewhat funny to watch. Jer and I were at a pizza shop having lunch. I had told him numerous times before that he was weird but today he finally saw it himself. we talked about how normal people are content with boring or mediocar lives. It seems sad to those on the other side but really all the normal people don''t think they are missing out on anything. I think it's preference. Jer said he wished he was more normal because then he could get more done but I don't know if he would. It just seems like a trade of what you do some people spend their lives doing typical things at typical times and doing them the typical way. Others cannot be this way. So long for now....

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