Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 2

So today Jeremiah got up washed. He had breakfast with his friends and me. It was at a little joint in Atlanta called Rise and Dine. He had a small breakfast sandwich one of his friends gave him some potatoes before he left. He then took his other friends car and drove it home then scooted off to work. He worked until five then went to he farmer's market in Dekalb he seemed to enjoy it quite a bit. It was a huge grocery store that had organic food for very very low affordable prices. Apparently most of the workers are refugees from different countries. I picked up that it was because of the quality and price of the food. He picked up groceries for the week from the farmer's market. Then we joined one of his friends we had to leave at the coffee joint of his employment. We received some of the best iced tea I've had maybe ever and he shot him with a toy gun. We then got dropped off back at his apartment and he unloaded about some thoughts on life. This conversation was much of the continuation of one we had started on Sunday.

So while Jeremiah was at work I had time to spend with his room mate and friend Andy. This is some information I gathered about Andy and just information in general about social situations in young Jeremiah's life and about the city of Atlanta. Thomas Andy Deloche group up all of his life in Georgia. He had a strong Christian up bringing but has his doubt now about the religion and different enforced beliefs of what he described as an oppressive up bringing. He has been to Europe and different but has a strong love for Atlanta. Currently he is enrolled at Georgia State as a film major and works at a local coffee shop. He likes the movie Home Alone and being nosey.
What I gathered from him on Jeremiah's life is that Jeremiah is a gentleman when is comes to the ladies and is very conservative about them. Also He informed me on the whereabouts of our subject before he took off to Europe winter 08. Jeremiah and Andy met through a mutual friend and room mate named Troy. Jeremiah stayed with Andy and Troy before he left for Europe then their friendship grew when Jeremiah came back and started to stay with just Andy.
Another friend I've gotten to know over the past couple of days that Jeremiah hangs out with extensively is a girl named Tara. She likes close by to Jeremiah and Andy and used to be neighbors to both of them but now moved to around the corner. She did not give much information on Jeremiah but seems to get along well with him. She is enrolled in school in Atlanta. She likes Africa, free trade products and vegetables.
The night is young he took a nap and we are about to go to Tara's house to watch a movie. More to come later......

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