Thursday, July 10, 2008

the small things of life

goal number 27 try not to get stuck in a worm hole...
its great how the little things in life make you happy
like for instance buttons; small, round, different shapes, cloth, wood, they make you so happy. especially a bid huge pile of them or maybe just one around your neck *wink*.Or having exact change or finding money on a rainy day or hearing a familiar song in a strange foreign place, jump ropes, and butterflies and stars. Or being able to eat a nice and moist pancake. Thats what happen to me. I was so hungry and
i knew I didnt want any more school food
Being a bratty Mcbratkins
But along came Imre
He told me to follow him
I thought he just wanted me to help him with something
Oh No I thought
we get to the kitchen and he hands me a plate with a pancake covered in syrup
My day was just made.


caitlin LA said...

great pictures! for shizzl.

i am going to miss you chicka ria!

its likeee fall: eee:ghhjjjjj

Jeni said...

stay in hungary and I'll add to your button collection... and yeah, Imre really knows how to make someone's day...

caitlin LA said...

so i stinken love you.
andi am in barcelona rightnow....

how were your travels? and did yourluggage make it?
how much did you have to throw away...did you go pregnant?
and was it great getting to see Jenna and matt again?

it is a very good thing that i didnt meet kyle at the train station, he found a ride... adn my travels were good except the fact that they lost my luggage for a couple day... on the bright side they gave me100 euro´s to spend... so whilein parisi picked up a few new things to wear...

the trip has been exhausting. and i amreallymissing the castle right aboutnow.. but wjhat can you do.

so for sure chika: you should write me back andmaybeput some pics of homeand england on your blogg...

ihave alotmore to tell you,butthis comment is getting ridiculously long. sorry a-boot that.

oh, andmy new word to replace ridiculousis peculiar...
ok, nothingcan really replace that radical word that ridiculous is... but for real, i say peculiar too often now adays.

oh: and last thing to tell yo::: i am claming to behungarian. not american... rather funny when peopleask me why i have no accent(i never lie, i just say my parents are american and they kinda stopp asking questions: peculiar eh?)

ok. miss you-cait.