Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I keep on dreaming about real life
Last night I was being chased on a train
Your family was trying to kill me
It was all so beautifully framed
I did not mind running for my life

A couple nights ago
I was driving
In the middle of my college campus
You told me you had problems
Getting inside
I never was so decisive
Kicking you out of my car

I might be taking a test
Or running past marathon runners
Last night it was strangers
nights ago it was reality meshed

Thursday, November 12, 2009


I have walked through a long dark tunnel
BUT now I am surprised by this joy

I have made it from the depths to come back to the surface
treading on to where Subtlety lay

Through the thicket of my confusion
I take steps in the light

and my heart cannot help but to leap

I can not get out of my mind that one step closer is a step closer to home
One piece of ground not given is a step to never be retraced