Goal two: always be ready for a swim.
I think i'll get piled up in goals but that is A-OK.
So its pretty cool here in Hungary. We learn different language, clean stuff, help with food, and most days take a dive in the pool. I think that God thought of me when He made water. I freak out if I haven't been in it for awhile. I missing the beach something fierce. But I remind myself that I will see it again soon maybe get someone on the way to Georgia to stop by it or the day or two I'm home jump in. Oh yea here is the plan I will be praying about these next couple of weeks: 1)Summer of Service (this sweet place im at right now) 2)England! Motttttty! and Jennahahahaaa 3) toss up between Amster D and Ireland; AmsterD=God Ireland=self :) purely 4)NYC bus home to Boston 5) road trip to Georgia get a Jercut see some friends get some questions answered OR the alter net is to stick it out for two weeks or so see people and get the same yet different questions answered 6)Wedding cry cry cry 7) this one is really up in the air road trip all the way to Canada OR fly back home live there OR go to AZ and live there till next semster OR hike the App. trail OR move to Portland OR move to where ever Mrs. Lewis is and finish music course OR live some where and start the Photography thang OR live back home till the Lord opens a door to a different country. I dunno but I will pray. It is all kind of a bore to write about but not so much for me when I think about it. I mean its crazy to think that God can lay out your whole life and He is just waiting for you to come a seek Him for it. Will write soon but the bed calls........................